Sun City Taxis
Nelson New Zealand

Enquiries, Bookings, Quotations

Booking is easy: Either by phone during operational office hours: Weekdays 0700 – 1700;
Bookings outside those hours will be considered and confirmed if able to be serviced with available driving hours.

Note: Any arrangements for service outside these times must be pre-booked for availability advice and confirmation. Also note: WE DO NOT OPERATE WHEELCHAIR UNITS.

Phone: 03 548 2222
Freephone: 0800 548 2222
Mail Address: P.O. Box 2252, Stoke, Nelson

This email is monitored between 7am and 9pm, Monday to Friday.
Outside of these hours, we will respond to your enquiry on the next business day.

With all email requests, please provide:

  1. Name & phone contact
  2. Pick up & drop off address
  3. Number of passengers & luggage
  4. Time of pick up.
  5. Flight Number (if applicable)


    Please Note: Your Booking is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email

    * indicates required fields

    Thank you for your booking/enquiry!

    Requests from this form are monitored between 7am and 9pm, Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours, we will respond to your enquiry on the next business day. If you do not get a response within this time frame, please call 03 548 2222.

    Please Note: Your Booking is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email